Workshops 2021



Body per­cus­sion is a musical style drawing in­spir­a­tion from many dif­fer­ent cultures of all over the world. This musical art has roots in pre­his­tor­ic age being one of the oldest ones in the world. Before the people strated to do music, they probably used their bodies first to make a sound.
Hand clapping, feet stamping, finger snapping and many other sounds drawing from dif­fer­ent cultures... this is Body Per­cus­sion. It is a very in­de­pend­ent style which depends on your fantasy and cre­ativ­ity.
Using your body you can play a musical in­stru­ment without the actual ,,in­stru­ment“. Using your move­ments to produce the sounds makes you a dancer at the same time.
This style de­velopes the sense of rhythm, per­cep­tion, co­ordin­a­tion, co­oper­a­tion, comu­nic­a­tion and much more. At the same time the Body Per­cus­sion improves co­ordin­a­tion skills and using dif­fer­ent parts of your brain it pos­it­ively affects your memory and con­cen­tra­tion.
With Body Per­cus­sion you can be in action, feel relax and mainly you can do it anywhere you want because you are the in­stru­ment!

Cast and creative

JIRI BOUDA is a music teacher and a player of melodic instruments and percussion performing with many various groups and projects since 2001.
He has been focusing on body percussion since 2008. He participated on workshops with Keith Ferry, Fernando Barba, LeeLa Petronio, Jep Melendez, Sandy Silva, Javier Romero Naranjo etc. He took part in the International Body Music Festival in Istambul and Paris.
He is a member of a drum show band called Ritmo Factory, Bd Beat body percussion and he has also been cooperating on projects with Korajunglejazz. In most of his activities he goes by the name of

Duration: 1h30

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