Ventania 2020

Bar­lavento Fest­iv­al of Per­form­ing Arts

26th september — 28th november 2020

Sagres, Lagos, Portimão, Lagoa


VENTANIA Bar­lavento Festival of Per­form­ing Arts is an act of artistic activism on themes of global cit­izen­ship, in the Western Algarve. Ori­gin­ally con­ceived for the World Water Day, March 22 and World Forest Day, March 21st, due to the COVID’19 pandemic, VENTANIA will reinvent itself and be presen­ted from 26th septem­ber to 22nd november, in Vila do Bispo, Lagos, Portimão and Lagoa.

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VENTANIA will occupy con­ven­tion­al venues such as the Lagos Cultural Centre, the TEMPO Teatro Mu­ni­cip­al de Portimão and the Sagres Fortress Aud­it­or­i­um, as well as un­con­ven­tion­al spaces such as the Sagres and Lagoa Mu­ni­cip­al Markets, the gardens of Sagres (Vila do Bispo) and Con­stitu­ição (Lagoa), the Lagos Youth Center (Espaço Jovem), as well as the tourism venues Monte da Casteleja (Lagos) and FAINA Res­taur­ant (Portimão).

VENTANIA aims to spread per­form­ances and aware­ness actions through the Western Algarve, with a mul­tidiscip­lin­ary program, covering the areas of con­tem­por­ary circus and dance, street theatre,music and in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary per­form­ances, seeking to cover audi­ences of various age ranges and cultural back­grounds.

VENTANIA will surprise the public with en­vir­on­ment and cit­izen­ship themes, in a subtle cry of alert to human de­tach­ment on what sur­rounds us: a fragile ter­rit­ory like the Algarve region, where the emer­gence of tourism urges more ef­fi­cient energy re­sponses, the pre­ser­va­tion of the natural and in­tan­gible heritage as well as fighting against deser­ti­fic­a­tion, seeking a balance that is not always easy. The scarcity of potable water, the values of pre­ser­va­tion, sharing and cit­izen­ship, which are trans­vers­al to mankind, are a constant tone of alert in a sweet and bitter artistic symphony, aes­thet­ic and poetic con­tem­por­ary reading, making us dream and reflect at the same time on the human impact in the region, but also in the world.

This event is part of the 365 Algarve cultural pro­gramme, an ini­ti­at­ive of the Sec­ret­ar­ies of State for Culture and Tourism, with funding from Turismo de Portugal (Por­tuguese Tourism Board). It is hosted by the Mu­ni­cip­al­ity of Lagoa, Portimão, Lagos and Vila do Bispo and the Regional Dir­ect­or­ate of Culture of the Algarve.

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Teatro Ex­per­i­ment­al de Lagos

General dir­ec­tion
Nelda Magal­hães and Daniela Tomaz

Com­mu­nic­a­tion dir­ec­tion
Ana Moura

Press con­sultancy
Sara Pintadinho

Pro­duc­tion as­sist­ance
Albina Pet­ro­lati
Ana Moura
Berna Huidobro
Carlos Norton
Maria João Alcobia
Tim Belime

Tech­nic­al director
Vasco Ribeiro

Tech­nic­al as­sist­ance
Se­bastião Costa
Pedro Correia

Graphic design
Dias Cabral

João Catarino

+ info
(+ 351) 962 512 133

Ticket office

Online ticket office
26 Set Auditório Fortaleza de Sagres
27 Set Monte da Casteleja, Lagos
02 Out Faina de Portimão / Espaço Jovem de Lagos
03 Out TEMPO Teatro Mu­ni­cip­al de Portimão
04 Out Espaço Jovem de Lagos

03 Out Auditório Forte de N. Sra. de En­carnação, Carvoeiro
22 Nov Auditório Carlos do Carmo, Lagoa

Local ticket office

Avail­able 2hours before the event
26 Set Auditório Fortaleza de Sagres
27 Set Monte da Casteleja, Lagos
02 Out Faina de Portimão
02 e 04 Out Espaço Jovem de Lagos

Avail­able at the venue opening schedule
03 Out TEMPO Teatro Mu­ni­cip­al de Portimão
22 Nov Auditório Carlos do Carmo, Lagoa
