Regular classes

TRY THEATRE [eng­lish drama school]

2024/25 school year

8-11 years: Monday 4-5.30pm / 12-17 years: Monday 5.30-7pm + Wednesday 5-6.30pm (Teatro em Inglês)

TEL Cultural Venue

Open registrations

Registration form

TRY theatre has been pro­mot­ing cre­ativ­ity, fun and con­fid­ence through dramatic art since 2010 and our mission is to spread the trans­form­at­ive impact of theatre by engaging, in­spir­ing and em­power­ing young people and the adults exposed to them.
We work with children all ages, en­cour­aging them to find their passion.

Re­gis­tra­tion/ in­form­a­tion: in­scri­coes­ / 12-17 class is complete. Re­gis­tra­tion is closed.

TRY THEATRE [english drama school]